Product code MT-1000nT
Magnetometer range -0.9Gauss~+0.9Gauss
Magnetometer accuracy (25℃) 1000nT
MEMS gyroscope range ±125°/s
MEMS gyroscope bias stability 12°/h(1σ)
Envelope dimension Φ98mm×80mm
Weight 195g
Power consumption 0.54w
Working voltage +12V
Working current 45mA
Communication interface RS422
Data update rate 10Hz
Supply cycle 6 months
Product code DS-0.5°
Envelope dimension 48mm×36mm×16.9mm
Weight 50g
Power consumption 0.15w
Working voltage 5.2V
Precision 0.5°
Theoretical field of view ±60°
Communication interface RS422
Working temperature -30℃~+60℃
Supply cycle 3 months


  • Miniaturization

  • Ultra-low power consumption

  • UART serial communication

  • Pin compatible with SA.45s form factor

  • Sine wave output is available

  • External second synchronization and 1PPS output

Product code FW-3mN·m FW-1.4mN·m FW-15mN·m Fw-150mN·m
Envelope dimension 139mm × 100 mm × 73.5 mm Single wheel body:≤71 mm×71 mm×40 mm; Control board ≤94 mm×94 mm×15 mm 113 mm × 152 mm × 74 mm Φ 252 mm × 125 mm
Weight 0.83kg Single wheel: ≤160g Control board: ≤110g ≤1.29kg 9±0.3kg
Power consumption (Three flywheels) Steady state ≤1.8W(@2000rpm) Peak ≤7w(@5000rp-m/3mNm) Standby power consumption ≤1.2W Steady state power consumption ≤3.5w(@3000rmp) Peak power consumption ≤13.2W Standby power consumption ≤1.8W Steady state power consumption ≤4.1W(@3000rmp) Peak power consumption ≤23W ≤5W(@1000rpm) ≤75W
Working voltage 12±1V 9V-12.5V 12V±1.2V 30V±3V
Communication interface RS422 CAN RS422 RS422
Angular momentum ≥0.1Nms(@±6000rpm) ≥ 50mNms(@9000rpm) ≥ 0.5Nms(@6000rpm) 15Nms(@3100rpm)
0utput torque ≥3mNm (0~±6000rpm) ≥1.4mNm(0~±6000rpm) ≥15mNm(0~±5000rpm) 0.15Nm
Working modes Standby mode, speed mode Standby mode, speed mode Speed mode, current mode,standby mode Standby mode, current mode,speed mode
Precision ≤±1rpm ≤±1rpm ≤±0.2 rpm (0ver 500rpm) ≤±1rpm(500rpm~100rpm) ≤±5rpm (Below 100rpm) \
Supply cycle 3 months 3 months 3 months 3 months
Product code CJ-5 CJ-15 CJ-100 CJ-1
Weight 0.275kg 0.7kg 4kg 0.07kg
Envelope dimension/mm 228×38×22.8 270×56×30.3 630×80×74 138×32×17
Rated output magnetic moment 5Am2 15Am2 100Am2 1Am2
Residual magnetic moment 0.02Am2 0.1Am2 0.1Am2 0.01Am2
Magnetization/demagnetization Time constant 70ms 150ms 160ms 50ms
Power consumption 0.7W 2W 2.7W 0.3W
Supply cycle 4 months 5 months 5 months 4 months
ltem Performance Parameter
0perating Temperature/℃ -110~150
Mass per unit/g/m2 20
Number of unit 5,10,15,20,30
Thickness per unit/mm 0.5
ln-orbit Quantity >100 sets
Accumulated working Time >70000h
Supply cycle 15 days

The multi-layer thermal insulation component owns great performance of thermal insulation, and its equivalent heat conductivity can be as low as 10-5W/(m·K). In addition, the multi-layer thermal insulation component is light in the weight and is not easy for volatilization, without dust and can be installed easily. It is universally adopted to the thermal insulation part of various spacecraft.

The flexible heat-conducting cable is mainly used for the heat dissipation of the high-power components, with the features of the light weight, low stiffness (close to 0), strong thermal conductivity, etc.

Through the efficient connection mode of thermal coupling of the heat-conducting cable, the delivered heat can be released to the spatial environment through the heat radiator.

ltem Performance Parameter
0perating Temperature/℃ -150~150℃
Heat-conducting property/w/℃ 0.2~2
Stiffness/mN/mm ≤3
Vibration lsolation property/ Vibration Attenuation% >90
Density/kg/m3 1800
ln-orbit Quantity >10 sets
Accumulated working Time >43000h
Supply cycle 1 month

The phase-transformation energy storage heat pipe makes use of plenty of latent heat absorbed (released) by phase-transformation materials during the process of phase transformation to store and release the heat to achieve the goal of the reduction of the controlled components' temperature fluctuation.

ltem Performance Parameter
Phase-transformation Temperature/℃ -30~150℃
Phase-transformation Latent Heat/J/g ≥200
Phase-transformation Form Solid-solid
Heat conductivity coefficient/w/m .k >0.5~3
Expansion Rate/% <3
ln-orbit Quantity >100
Accumulated working Time >50000h
Supply cycle 2 months

It is a new type of graphitic material, with the features of the high thermal conductivity, low density, flexibility, etc., and it can be used to strengthen the property of heat conduction and play the role of temperature equalization.

ltem Performance Parameter
0perating Temperature/℃ -150~150
Heat conductivity coefficient/W/m .K ≥1500
Thickness/mm 0.07~0.2
Density/kg/m3 1800
Supply cycle 10 days
Product code lPS-KF-Z lPS-KF-B
Storage type FLASH Memory storage FLASH Memory storage
Storage capacity 40Tbit 4Tbit
Storage bandwidth 22Gbps 22Gbps
Compression method JPEG2000 JPEG2000
Compression capability 24 levels 24 levels
Power consumption ≤280W ≤200W
Weight ≤15kg ≤13kg
Size (mm) 318mm×220mm×220mm 318mm×180mm×220mm
Supply cycle 8 months 8 months