General high-reliability satellite data storage

Product code lPS-KF-Z lPS-KF-B
Storage type FLASH Memory storage FLASH Memory storage
Storage capacity 40Tbit 4Tbit
Storage bandwidth 22Gbps 22Gbps
Compression method JPEG2000 JPEG2000
Compression capability 24 levels 24 levels
Power consumption ≤280W ≤200W
Weight ≤15kg ≤13kg
Size (mm) 318mm×220mm×220mm 318mm×180mm×220mm
Supply cycle 8 months 8 months


  • High Storage Capacity:

    • Capable of storing large volumes of data collected over extended mission durations.

    • Supports high-resolution imagery and extensive scientific data sets.

  • Fast Data Access and Retrieval:

    • Provides quick access to stored data, essential for real-time applications and timely decision-making.

    • Ensures efficient data retrieval for processing and analysis.

  • Data Integrity and Reliability:

    • Implements robust error-correction and redundancy mechanisms to protect against data loss and corruption.

    • Ensures long-term data integrity even in harsh space environments.

  • Energy Efficiency:

    • Optimized for low power consumption to conserve satellite energy resources.

    • Enhances overall satellite mission duration and performance.

  • Radiation-Hardened Design:

    • Built to withstand the intense radiation and extreme conditions of space.

    • Ensures reliable performance and data protection throughout the mission life.

  • Compact and Lightweight:

    • Designed to minimize weight and space, crucial for satellite payload constraints.

    • Facilitates easy integration with satellite systems without compromising performance.

  • Advanced Data Management:

    • Supports efficient data compression, encryption, and storage management techniques.

    • Enhances the capability to handle diverse data types and volumes.

  • Scalability and Flexibility:

    • Scalable design allows for future upgrades and expansion.

    • Flexible configurations to meet the specific needs of different satellite missions.


  • Exceptional Storage Capacity:

    • High-capacity storage options to accommodate extensive data collection over long missions.

    • Ideal for high-resolution imaging and comprehensive scientific data storage.

  • Rapid Data Access and Retrieval:

    • Fast data access capabilities for real-time applications and timely analysis.

    • Ensures efficient retrieval of stored data for processing and decision-making.

  • Robust Data Integrity and Reliability:

    • Advanced error-correction and redundancy features to safeguard against data loss and corruption.

    • Maintains long-term data integrity even in the challenging space environment.

  • Energy-Efficient Design:

    • Low power consumption to optimize satellite energy usage.

    • Prolongs mission duration by conserving onboard power resources.

  • Radiation-Hardened Construction:

    • Engineered to withstand high radiation levels and extreme space conditions.

    • Guarantees reliable performance and data security throughout the mission lifecycle.

  • Compact and Lightweight Solutions:

    • Minimizes weight and space requirements, crucial for satellite payload constraints.

    • Facilitates seamless integration with existing satellite systems.

  • Advanced Data Management Features:

    • Supports efficient data compression, encryption, and management techniques.

    • Enhances the ability to handle diverse and large volumes of data.

  • Scalability and Customization:

    • Scalable to accommodate future upgrades and mission expansions.

    • Customizable configurations to meet specific mission needs and requirements.

  • Quality Assurance:

    • Rigorously tested to meet the highest industry standards for performance and reliability.

    • Ensures superior quality and durability for long-term space missions.

Choose us

  • We have extensive experience in the research and development of satellite integration and platform;

  • We have extensive experience in the research and development of remote sensing, communication, and navigation electronic equipment;

  • We have extensive experience in establishing research and production conditions;

  • We have extensive experience in the development of numerical control, testing, and data processing systems;

  • We have a large number of satellites to name;