Who we are

Huanxin Co., Ltd. is one of the earliest satellite firms about the commercial remote sensing industry in China, which was invested with a total registered capital of 2.7 billion from the government, CAS-affiliated research institutes, private capital, and technical experts.

For more than 10 years since its establishment, Huanxin Co., Ltd. has always adhered to the business model for the integrated development of high-end equipment manufacturing and information services, focusing on the research and development of high-perform-information services. It has established a complete industrial chain from satellite research, development, manufacturing, and operation management to remote sensing information services. With the accumulation of core technology, the company can provide customers with customized satellite manufacturing and related services, including satellite and component, testing services, carrying services, naming services, etc.

At present, the company built the largest sub-meter commercial remote sensing satellite constellation in the world. The phase Ⅰ project consists of more than 100 high-performance optical remote sensing satellites covering high resolution, large width, video, and multi-spectrum. Satellite constellation has strong serviceability. It can provide customers with satellite remote sensing data with high temporal resolution, high spatial resolution, high spectral resolution, fast wide-area coverage, and comprehensive spatial information application services.