Magnetic torque

Product code CJ-5 CJ-15 CJ-100 CJ-1
Weight 0.275kg 0.7kg 4kg 0.07kg
Envelope dimension/mm 228×38×22.8 270×56×30.3 630×80×74 138×32×17
Rated output magnetic moment 5Am2 15Am2 100Am2 1Am2
Residual magnetic moment 0.02Am2 0.1Am2 0.1Am2 0.01Am2
Magnetization/demagnetization Time constant 70ms 150ms 160ms 50ms
Power consumption 0.7W 2W 2.7W 0.3W
Supply cycle 4 months 5 months 5 months 4 months


  • Precise Attitude Control:

    • Utilizes magnetic fields to generate torque for the orientation and stabilization of spacecraft and satellites.

    • Essential for tasks such as pointing instruments, adjusting solar panels, and maintaining stable orbits.

  • Non-Propulsive Control:

    • Provides a method of controlling spacecraft orientation without the need for fuel or propellant.

    • Increases the lifespan of space missions by conserving onboard resources.

  • High Reliability and Low Maintenance:

    • Magnetic torque systems have no moving parts, reducing wear and tear.

    • Ensures long-term reliability and minimal maintenance requirements.

  • Integration with Attitude Control Systems:

    • Works seamlessly with other attitude control mechanisms such as reaction wheels and gyroscopes.

    • Enhances overall system efficiency and accuracy.

  • Versatile Applications:

    • Used in satellites, spacecraft, and precision instruments where accurate control of orientation is crucial.

    • Applicable in various space missions, from low Earth orbit satellites to deep space probes.


  • Exceptional Attitude Control:

    • Precisely generates magnetic torque to control the orientation and stabilization of spacecraft and satellites.

    • Ensures accurate pointing of instruments and stable orbits.

  • Fuel-Free Operation:

    • Provides non-propulsive attitude control, eliminating the need for fuel or propellant.

    • Extends the operational lifespan of space missions by conserving onboard resources.

  • Robust and Reliable Design:

    • No moving parts, ensuring high reliability and minimal maintenance.

    • Designed to withstand the harsh conditions of space.

  • Seamless Integration:

    • Integrates easily with existing attitude control systems, such as reaction wheels and gyroscopes.

    • Enhances the overall efficiency and accuracy of spacecraft control systems.

  • Versatile Application:

    • Ideal for use in satellites, spacecraft, and precision instruments requiring accurate orientation control.

    • Suitable for a wide range of space missions, from low Earth orbit to deep space exploration.

  • Quality Assurance:

    • Rigorously tested to ensure high performance and reliability in space environments.

    • Meets the highest industry standards for aerospace components.

Choose us

  • We have extensive experience in the research and development of satellite integration and platform;

  • We have extensive experience in the research and development of remote sensing, communication, and navigation electronic equipment;

  • We have extensive experience in establishing research and production conditions;

  • We have extensive experience in the development of numerical control, testing, and data processing systems;

  • We have a large number of satellites to name;