Intelligent and efficient robot CNC polishing system

This equipment is an intelligent and efficient robot CNC polishing system combined with the characteristics of modern new industrial robots, such as low cost, small size, high precision, intelligent control, and strong focus on optical reflection mirror shape polishing. The surface shape accuracy can quickly reach 1/100 λ RMS (λ=632.8nm). It can be polished for a variety of materials, coaxial or off-axis special-shaped mirrors.

Component Function
Mass 665kg
Arm span 2,033 mm
Maximum Load 400 N
Maximum rotate speed 1000 Rpm
Maximum machined aperture φ1000 mm
Repeated positioning accuracy ±0.06 mm
Maximum word period 40hour
0perating ambient temperature 20-22℃
0perating ambient humidtiy 30-40%
Error convergence accuracy 0.01λ RMS


  • High Precision and Consistency:

    • Utilizes CNC technology to ensure precise control over the polishing process.

    • Provides consistent and repeatable finishes, essential for high-quality production standards.

  • Advanced Robotics Integration:

    • Integrates with advanced robotic arms for flexible and adaptive polishing.

    • Capable of handling complex geometries and intricate parts with ease.

  • Intelligent Control System:

    • Equipped with AI-driven algorithms to optimize polishing paths and parameters.

    • Adapts to variations in part geometry and material properties for optimal results.

  • Efficiency and Productivity:

    • Enhances productivity by automating repetitive and labor-intensive polishing tasks.

    • Reduces cycle times and increases throughput, making it ideal for high-volume production environments.

  • Versatile Application Range:

    • Suitable for a wide range of materials, including metals, plastics, and composites.

    • Can be used in various industries, from aerospace and automotive to medical devices and electronics.

  • User-Friendly Interface:

    • Features an intuitive interface for easy programming and operation.

    • Allows for quick setup and changeovers, minimizing downtime and maximizing efficiency.

  • Safety and Reliability:

    • Designed with robust safety features to protect operators and equipment.

    • Ensures reliable performance with minimal maintenance requirements.

  • Environmental and Economic Benefits:

    • Reduces waste and rework by achieving high-quality finishes on the first pass.

    • Lowers operational costs through energy-efficient operation and reduced need for manual labor.


  • Unmatched Precision and Consistency:

    • Leveraging CNC technology to deliver precise control over every aspect of the polishing process.

    • Ensures high-quality, consistent, and repeatable finishes, critical for maintaining stringent production standards.

  • Cutting-Edge Robotics Integration:

    • Seamlessly integrates with advanced robotic arms to provide flexible and adaptive polishing solutions.

    • Capable of handling a wide range of part geometries and intricate details with exceptional accuracy.

  • Intelligent Control System:

    • Features AI-driven algorithms that optimize polishing paths and parameters in real-time.

    • Adapts to variations in part geometry and material properties, ensuring optimal polishing results every time.

  • Enhanced Efficiency and Productivity:

    • Automates labor-intensive polishing tasks, significantly boosting productivity.

    • Reduces cycle times and increases throughput, making it ideal for high-volume production environments.

  • Versatility Across Applications:

    • Suitable for polishing a variety of materials, including metals, plastics, and composites.

    • Versatile enough to serve multiple industries, from aerospace and automotive to medical devices and electronics.

  • User-Friendly Operation:

    • Equipped with an intuitive interface that simplifies programming and operation.

    • Allows for quick setup and changeovers, minimizing downtime and enhancing operational efficiency.

  • Robust Safety and Reliability:

    • Designed with comprehensive safety features to protect operators and equipment.

    • Built to ensure reliable performance with minimal maintenance, reducing operational costs.

  • Environmental and Economic Advantages:

    • Reduces waste and rework by achieving perfect finishes on the first pass.

    • Lowers operational costs through energy-efficient operation and reduced dependence on manual labor.

Choose us

  • We have extensive experience in the research and development of satellite integration and platform;

  • We have extensive experience in the research and development of remote sensing, communication, and navigation electronic equipment;

  • We have extensive experience in establishing research and production conditions;

  • We have extensive experience in the development of numerical control, testing, and data processing systems;

  • We have a large number of satellites to name;