Product code lR-01 lR-02 lR-03
lmaging mode Frame-based push-broom lmaging Frame-based push-broom lmaging Frame-based push-broom lmaging
Sensor type Single lngaas sensor Single hgcdte sensor Single vox sensor
Pixel size 25μm 15μm 17μm
Single chip sensor pixel scale 640×512 640×512 640×512
Spectral band Shortwave lnfrared Midwave lnfrared Longwave lnfrared
Power consumption ≤20W ≤16W ≤1.5W
Weight ≈1.40kg ≈1.75kg ≈0.09kg
Supply cycle 3 months 6 months 3 months

lnfrared focal plane


  • High Sensitivity:

    • Capable of detecting minute differences in infrared radiation.

    • Ideal for applications requiring precise thermal imaging and temperature measurement.

  • Wide Spectral Range:

    • Operates effectively across a broad range of infrared wavelengths.

    • Suitable for diverse applications, from near-infrared to long-wave infrared imaging.

  • High Resolution:

    • Delivers detailed and clear infrared images.

    • Supports applications requiring fine spatial resolution and accurate detection of small features.

  • Fast Response Time:

    • Rapid image acquisition and processing.

    • Critical for dynamic imaging applications such as tracking fast-moving objects.

  • Low Noise Performance:

    • Designed to minimize electronic noise and enhance image clarity.

    • Ensures high-quality data even in low-signal conditions.

  • Robust Construction:

    • Built to withstand harsh environmental conditions, including extreme temperatures and high radiation.

    • Ensures reliable performance in demanding operational environments.

  • Versatile Applications:

    • Suitable for use in space telescopes, industrial inspection, and environmental monitoring.

    • Enhances the capability of systems requiring thermal and night vision imaging.


  • Superior Sensitivity:

    • High detection sensitivity for minute differences in infrared radiation.

    • Essential for precise thermal imaging and accurate temperature measurement.

  • Broad Spectral Range:

    • Operates across a wide range of infrared wavelengths, from near-infrared to long-wave infrared.

    • Versatile for diverse applications, ensuring comprehensive infrared imaging capabilities.

  • High-Resolution Imaging:

    • Delivers detailed and high-resolution infrared images.

    • Supports applications requiring fine spatial resolution and accurate detection of small features.

  • Rapid Response Time:

    • Fast image acquisition and processing capabilities.

    • Ideal for dynamic imaging needs such as tracking and monitoring fast-moving objects.

  • Low Noise and High Clarity:

    • Engineered to minimize electronic noise, enhancing image clarity and quality.

    • Provides high-quality data even in low-signal conditions.

  • Durable and Reliable Design:

    • Constructed to endure extreme environmental conditions, including high radiation and temperatures.

    • Ensures long-term reliability and consistent performance in harsh environments.

  • Wide Range of Applications:

    • Perfect for space telescopes, industrial inspection, environmental monitoring, and medical diagnostics.

    • Enhances the capability of systems requiring advanced thermal and night vision imaging.

  • Quality Assurance:

    • Rigorously tested to meet the highest industry standards for performance and reliability.

    • Manufactured using state-of-the-art techniques to ensure superior quality and durability.

Choose us

  • We have extensive experience in the research and development of satellite integration and platform;

  • We have extensive experience in the research and development of remote sensing, communication, and navigation electronic equipment;

  • We have extensive experience in establishing research and production conditions;

  • We have extensive experience in the development of numerical control, testing, and data processing systems;

  • We have a large number of satellites to name;